Teignbridge Trotters Running Club
Newton Abbot, Devon
Established 1982
Born to Run

Sibelco Templer Ten runners bask in the sunshine

temp4.jpg Start of the 10-mile race

The Teignbridge Trotters staged their last race of the year on Sunday 8th October. Stover School was the venue for their Sibelco Templer Ten; a 10-mile race that starts with 2 miles within the wonderful grounds of the school, before runners head off towards the the fields of Teigngrace and then onto Stover Lake.

The race was brought forward a month from its annual November date in the hope of better weather. Last year the rain was almost biblical. The decision certainly paid off, as this year the temperature rose to an incredible 23 degrees. It certainly felt like a summers day - the runners were very grateful for the three water stations out on the course!

Before the main 10-mile race got underway, there was the small matter of the kids 1-mile fun run. The course is held within the grounds of the school. 43 very keen children lined up on the start line. The race was won by 12 year old Jack Park in a great time of 7 minutes 20 seconds. First female to cross the line was 8 year old Ava Kilduff in 8 minutes 49 seconds.

temp3.jpg Jack Park on his way to winning the fun run

After a short safety brief, 198 runners started the main race, ironically the same number that started their Ladies 10K two weeks earlier. Joel Seward, running for Axe Valley Runners, set the early pace and was never caught. He stormed across the finish line in a very impressive time of 60:11. Last year Joel finished third in the race, not only did he improve his placing he also knocked nearly two minutes off his time.

In second place, also from Axe Valley Runners, was Duncan Staddon, who finished in 61:43. In third place was MV55 Graham Bale from Plymstock Road Runners, in 62:52.

First Lady to cross the line was Sarah Marwick, running for Erme Valley Harriers in a time of 76:09. Just behind Sarah was local girl Chloe Weeks, running for the host club, Teignbridge Trotters. Chloe couldn’t quite catch Sarah, finishing 37 seconds behind her in a time of 76:46. In third place from Okehampton RC was Claire Watkins in 77:44.

temp6.jpg Race winner; Joel Seward
temp5.jpg First Lady; Sarah Markwick
temp9.jpg 1st Ladies team; South West Road Runners

In the team event, it was no surprise to learn that Axe Valley Runners won the first men’s team. The first four runners from each club counted, and Axe Valley had four runners in the top six! Their counterparts couldn’t quite match them in the ladies event, coming second to overall winners, South West Road Runners.

Much of the route follows the Templer Way, which got its name from the Templer family. James Templer purchased the Stover Estate in 1765 after making his fortune at sea. His son, also, James, built the Stover Canal in 1792 between Teigngrace and Newton Abbot. The Trotters were delighted to welcome two members of the Templer family who took part in the race. Mark Templer was the first to cross the finish line in 1:26:47, followed by James (obviously still a popular Templer name) in 1:46:34.

With ever increasing overheads the race wouldn’t take place without the generous support of its sponsors; Sibelco, Moorview Vets, Foxy Golf and Classic Windows.

temp11.jpg Chloe Weeks doing the Trotters proud

As a result of the race, the Trotters are delighted to be able to present Torbay Macmillan with a cheque for £500, maintaining their proud reputation of donating a large part of the proceeds from all five of their races to charity.

Attention now turns to their Dartmoor Discovery Ultra Marathon, entries for which open on November 1st.

If reading this has inspired you to start running, then the Trotters would love to hear from you. They train every Monday and Wednesday, leaving their home, Newton Abbot Recreational Trust at 7pm. You can contact them via their website; www.teignbridgetrotters.co.uk


The club would like to thank our official race photographers; Rod & Lucy Payne, Phil Norden and Sharon Sharples.

temp2.jpg Owen Penkethman; 1st MU6
temp1.jpg Anna Filtness; 1st FU6
temp7.jpg Mark Templer (197) and James Templer
temp8.jpg Anthea Board (1st FV55) and Assistant Race Director, Liz Barnett