Teignbridge Trotters Running Club
Newton Abbot, Devon
Established 1982
Born to Run



The Club shall be known as Teignbridge Trotters. (Hereinafter called The Club)


To encourage and promote running for males and females,15 years of age and over.


The Club shall be affiliated to both England Athletics (EA) and the Association of Running Clubs (ARC).


Membership of the Club will consist of fully paid up first claim, second claim and social members. The membership year runs from 1st October to 30th September, with subscriptions due on the 1st October. Part year membership for new members to be calculated pro-rata to the nearest quarter retrospectively.

When members are invited to renew their membership, annual subscriptions shall be paid by 31st October each year. Any member who is more than 31 days late in paying their annual subscription shall be deemed to no longer be a member of the club and shall have to apply to rejoin the club as if he/she were a new member, thus incurring any new member charge that may be due. Any club championship points gained during the period between 1st October and the date when the annual subscription is finally paid shall be lost.

Any member guilty of misconduct (i.e. behaviour contrary to the Constitution) may be cautioned once or expelled from the Club by a majority decision of The Management Committee. Any person expelled will have the right to appeal to a Management Committee meeting called at his/her request not later than two weeks from the date of expulsion.

To resign, a Member must inform the Membership Secretary in writing

There are four types of membership: -

  • Individual – First Claim
  • Individual – Second Claim
  • Family – two or more members of the same family living at one address who are either first or second claim Teignbridge Trotters.
  • Honorary life – elected by simple majority decision of the committee for exceptional services to the club.

First claim members only will, provided that they compete in official club colours as set out under item 6 below, be eligible to: -

  • Gain Club Championship points
  • Have times recorded in the official club records
  • Be eligible for club awards
  • Compete as a club member in any race, and thereby qualify for any possible team awards.

All first claim members shall be eligible to:-

  • Vote at the AGM
  • Serve on the committee
  • Receive a free race entry into the nominated Club Championship race, provided that they have gained a minimum of two points during the previous calendar year

All honorary life members shall be eligible to:-

  • Vote at the AGM
  • Serve on the committee
  • Receive a free race entry into the nominated Club Championship race
  • Receive a free ticket to the club’s annual awards presentation evening


The Management Committee shall consist of the following officers: -

Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Club Championship Secretary and seven other general committee members.

All the above will be entitled to one vote. All decisions will be by simple majority vote, the Chairperson being permitted a casting vote where necessary.

Race Directors will be approved by The Management Committee and may be called to attend committee meetings as required (non-voting).

Men’s Captain & Ladies Captain will be asked to attend meetings, if and when necessary, but will be non-voting positions. Both of these officers may attend any meeting providing they have notified either the Secretary or Chairman

The Officers, who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, will carry out the administration as deemed necessary during their term of office.

The quorum for committee meetings shall be five persons. The Management Committee shall meet at least once a month. Committee members not attending for four consecutive meetings will lapse their turn of office, subject to the discretion of the committee. A replacement will be co-opted by the committee.

Current Non-Committee posts are: -

  • Welfare Officer (male) Welfare Officer (female)
  • Press & Publicity
  • Child Protection Officer
  • Men’s Captain
  • Ladies Captain
  • Social Secretary


Members must be amateurs complying with the rules of competition defined by UK Athletics and the Association of Running Clubs.

The colours of the club shall be: -

Vests: Royal blue with a yellow wave design, green side panel and yellow logo, or other official Teignbridge Trotters’ top.

All first claim members representing the Club at every competitive meeting must wear club colours, apart from when they are representing their county or country and are required to wear something different.

Each calendar year, all first claim members shall be allowed to participate in a maximum of two of the races organised by the club.

7.Annual General Meeting

An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year during the month of February. Twenty-one days notice in writing having been given to all members.

The following business shall be conducted at the AGM: -

To receive reports from the Chairperson and Secretary. The Secretary’s report is to include details of attendances at committee meetings.

To receive the accounts for the previous year from the Treasurer.

To fix the subscription for the following year.

To elect the Officers, Committee and Non-Committee Members.

To consider any motions which must have been submitted (together with names of the proposer and seconder) to the Secretary at least fourteen days prior to the meeting.

An Honorary President will be elected at the AGM to serve a term of office of three years.

An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by a simple majority decision of The Management Committee or by written request of a minimum of 25% of currently paid up members. Two weeks notice in writing to all members must be given for an EGM.

Voting at an AGM or EGM will be by simple majority with the Chairperson having the casting vote if necessary.

If, due to exceptional and unforeseen circumstances, a member is unable to attend the AGM (or EGM) and wishes to vote on proposals or the election of Officers, Committee, etc. at the meeting, then he/she can submit to the Secretary a letter stating why they are unable to attend the meeting and clearly stating their voting intention. The letter must be submitted by post or e-mailed via the e-mail address being currently held on Club records and must be received no later than 48 hours before the AGM or EGM. If it is agreed that the circumstances of the member are exceptional, then votes submitted in this manner will be duly counted. However, it will be entirely at the discretion of the current Officers of the Club as to what constitutes “exceptional and unforeseen circumstances” and the decision of the Officers in the matter will be final.

Any member wishing to stand for a position on the committee should let the Secretary know fourteen days before the AGM takes place, together with the names of a proposer and a seconder.

If any position remains unfilled, nominations will be accepted on the night of the meeting from the floor.


In the event of the Club having to be dissolved, any one remaining Officer shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting.

The EGM shall, after all the debts have been met, decide on the disposal of any property or assets belonging to the Club.

9.Amendments to the Constitution

No amendment, alteration or addition may be made to the Constitution unless approved by a simple majority at an AGM or at an EGM called specifically for that purpose.